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    DR40X9: IPQ4019 Seamless 4G LTE and Dual-Band Support for Indoor and Outdoor Use

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  • Introducing the DR40X9: A High-Performance Wireless Communication Device

    The DR40X9 is a versatile and high-performance wireless communication device built on the IPQ4019/IPQ4029 chipset. It supports dual-band transmission with 2×2 MIMO on both 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, offers 4G LTE connectivity, and is compatible with OpenWRT and OpenWiFi open-source platforms. These features provide exceptional flexibility, scalability, and the ability to meet a wide range of networking needs.

    Key Features and Benefits:

    1. Robust Hardware Platform: The DR40X9 leverages the powerful IPQ4019/IPQ4029 chip, known for its high integration, excellent performance, and low power consumption. Its efficient wireless processing capabilities and stable multi-band connections make it ideal for both indoor and outdoor wireless communication scenarios.

    2. Dual-Band Flexibility for Wide Coverage and High-Speed Transmission:

    3. 4G LTE Support for Wide-Area Connectivity: Integrated 4G LTE support offers a reliable wireless broadband solution for locations without access to fixed broadband, such as remote areas, emergency communication situations, or as a backup network for enterprises. This ensures continuous and reliable internet connectivity.

    4. OpenWRT and OpenWiFi Compatibility for Maximum Flexibility:

    5. Suitable for Multiple Application Scenarios:

    6. High-Performance and Stable Network Connectivity:

    7. Easy Management and Maintenance:

    8. Eco-Friendly, Energy-Saving Design for Future Needs: The DR40X9’s low-power design reduces energy consumption while maintaining high performance, making it an environmentally friendly choice for network devices.

    DR40X9: IPQ4019 Seamless 4G LTE and Dual-Band Support for Indoor and Outdoor Use


    The DR40X9 is a cutting-edge wireless communication device that combines high performance, long-distance transmission, multi-band support, and flexible open-source platform compatibility. With OpenWRT and OpenWiFi support, users can enjoy highly customizable solutions to meet diverse needs in complex network environments. Ideal for scenarios requiring wide coverage, flexible management, and stable performance, the DR40X9 is perfect for rural broadband access, enterprise networks, smart cities, and more.

    For any inquiry, please contact: sales1@wallystech.com




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