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  • 招聘

    位置:2131 E COLORADO BLVD


    1. 负责酒店的整体事务,并与酒店全体员工共同努力实现酒店制定的目标;

    2. 制定管理目标、规则和服务操作程序,明确各级管理层和员工的职责,并监督执行;

    3. 负责财务报表的编制,每月业务情况的核对和分析,成本控制,财务预算,收支、应收、应付等帐目的核对。

    4.  确保定期培训以改进服务。

    5. 与社会各界人士保持良好的公共关系,树立酒店的良好形象,代表酒店接待重要贵宾。

    1. Responsible for the overall affairs of the hotel and the joint efforts of all hotel staff to achieve the goals set by the hotel;

    2. Formulate the management objectives, rules and service operation procedures, define the responsibilities of management and staff at all levels, and supervise the implementation;

    3. Responsible for the financial statements, check and analyze the monthly business situation, cost control, financial budget, check the income and expenditure, accounts receivable and accounts payable, etc.

    4. Ensure regularly training for service improvement.

    5. Maintain good public relations with people from all walks of life, establish a good image of the hotel, and receive important VIPs on behalf of the hotel.


    1. 酒店管理或相关专业优先。 

    2. 3年以上酒店经理或管理岗位经验;

     3. 热情,有较强的责任心、适应能力和沟通协调能力 

    4. 能够管理和指导员工完成日常工作任务

    1. Major in hotel management or related is preferred.

    2. At least 3 years’ experience in hotel manager or management position.

    3. Enthusiasm, strong sense of responsibility, adaptability and communication and coordination ability

    4. Able to manage and guide employees to complete daily work tasks




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