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  • 家政保洁 家政保洁 关注:19 内容:103

    Life Assistants

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  • 当前位置: 洛杉矶华人社区 > 家政保洁 > 正文
  • 家政保洁
  • Lv.1

    I am looking for a life assistant due to work

    Requirements and daily work situation.

    1. Female Physically fit Age 25-40 years old

    2. Responsible for household hygiene and cleaning

    3. have a good sense of storage and be proactive

    4. no criminal record or bad habits and follow the assigned work schedule

    5. Basic verbal communication, with basic English communication skills and 5 years driving experience

    6. Knowledge of financial statistics preferred, salary can be increased

    7.Treatment Salary Standard.

    1 month probationary period. 2,500 USD

    12 months regular period. 5,000 USD

    Contact details

    Tel: jiek88




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